πŸ”’Dynamic tax

As opposed to a fixed tax of 10%, trading tax on fantech is now dynamically adjusted. A dynamic rate is designed to adjust to market demand, striking a balance between early adopters and those who invest more at higher price points.

Let's break it down:

  1. The tax will still start at 10% for the first 47 shares range.

  2. As the number of shares increases, the tax rate decreases incrementally.

  3. Between 48 to 50 shares: The tax rate drops by 0.20% for each increase of 1 share.

  • From 50 to 53 shares: The tax rate drops by 0.19%.

  • From 53 to 56 shares: The tax rate drops by 0.17%.

  • From 56 to 60 shares: The tax rate drops by 0.15%.

And so on...

  1. By the time you have 200 shares, the tax rate has reduced to 2.35%. And it keeps going.

As the number of shares increases, they become pricier. With this increased cost, it requires significantly more buying pressure to influence or move the share price upwards. This is where dynamic tax jumps in to help. By making the tax rate responsive to the volume and the share price, fantech will become more sustainable in the long run, while still giving proper incentives to participants.

Last updated